Cooperate with and obey the driver at all times.
Please try to be at the bus stop five (5) minutes prior to your pickup time.
Keep the noise level down.
Keep the bus clean. Use the provided trash cans for any garbage.
No food, drink, or gum on the bus.
Keep all body parts inside the window. Do not lower the windows more than halfway.
Remain in your seat at all times. Please keep the aisle clear of backpacks and feet. Do not move from seat to seat. Do not throw any items.
Be considerate of others. Respect the property of others and the bus. You are responsible for any damage to the bus.
Remember to keep conversations kind and appropriate; no swearing.
Drivers and/or principals may assign seats if need be.
Everyone has the right to a safe and pleasant bus ride.
Failure to follow bus rules will result in appropriate follow-up from the driver and/or school principals. Thank you students and families for your cooperation!
Welcome to the St. Croix Central School District Transportation website. We hope that your visit here is profitable and worthwhile for you. Our mission is to provide safe, timely and efficient transportation for the students of our district and we work very hard to make that happen. We have a great staff of personnel who work tirelessly to make sure that we can accomplish our mission.
Since our drivers are the first and last school representatives to interact with your child every day, our role is that they start and end their day in a positive way. We try to instill in all of our personnel that we are all about the children and fostering a positive attitude within them about the importance of a good education.
On this website you will find the name and numbers of our staff members as well as a place to search for online routing information. We look forward to serving you throughout the school year.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact either Beau Petersen, Garage Supervisor at 796-2256 (2450) or Brian Johnson, Transportation Director at 796-5383 (1148).
Thank you,
Brian Johnson, Transportation Director and Beau Petersen, Transportation Supervisor
Bus Route Number and Drivers 2024-2025
This information is accurate, as of Aug 14, 2024
BusQuest Apps - Add the below app to your phone to view student information, submit change requests, and request school bus transportation: