English Learners Defined
English Learner Policies & Procedures
Parent Rights (English)
Parent Rights (Spanish)
Mandated Policies
Each spring the English Learner program has an annual Title III Parent meeting. All parents of students in the English Learner program are invited to review ACCESS for ELLs test scores, district data, and Federal Annual Measureable Achievement Outcomes. Eligible parents will receive an invite via mail.
The St. Croix Central School District updates its Title III Plan annually, based on the parent meeting. (click for 12-13 Title III Plan)
For more information on Annual Measureable Achievement Outcomes, please go to the Department of Public Instruction website at http://dpi.wi.gov/accountability
If you have any questions regarding the English Learner Program please contact:

Luisa Reina-Yavorskaya, EL Paraprofessional & Translator
715-796-2256, ext. 2262