Grades 4K-5
Grades 6-8
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At SCVA, we believe that every child is wonderful and unique. We want to honor your child’s uniqueness and individuality by offering a variety of curriculum options to meet your child’s learning needs. We offer curriculum options that are online, offline, or a combination of both. It is your choice what will work best for your family!
Please look over the curriculum options to see what you are interested in. If you don’t see something on our list, please inquire with our principal or teachers to discuss alternative options. The information provided is not meant for you to decide on your own - we are a team and believe that collaboration creates the best outcomes!
This decision guide can be used to help you determine which curriculum option is best for you. ES Curriculum Decision Guide
Accelerate Education:
100% online curriculum
Instruction is pre-recorded videos from Accelerate
Learning Coach uploads work into the Accelerate program
Schedule/Pacing is predetermined
SCVA teachers build relationships, answer questions, provide support, and grade all work
Learning Coach support and management is required
Uses physical books & online tools
Instruction comes from SCVA teacher with the support of the learning coach
Learning Coach and teacher determine schedule/pacing
Work is uploaded to Seesaw and graded by an SCVA teacher
Skill Sharpeners Geography
The Story of the World
The Building Blocks of Science
Dr. Bonyfide
Click HERE to see an example of a daily schedule