Congratulations to Steven Goossens and Zachary Davis for completing the Youth Apprenticeship Certification through the Department of Workforce Development. Steven received industry recognized certification in the Marketing/Merchandising pathway while Zachary was certified in the Logistics/Supply Chain Management pathway.

Ava Owens completed her Food and Beverage Service Youth Apprenticeship pathway certification with Buddy's Bakery. All Youth Apprenticeship students at SCC also complete the Employability Skills certification and the Youth Leadership credential through DPI.

Reminder that there will be no school on Monday, May 29th in observance of Memorial Day. We will see you all back at school on Tuesday to finish out a wonderful 2022-2023 school year!!

Reminder that the Class of 2023 Graduation Ceremony begins tonight at 7:00 p.m. If you are unable to attend but would like to watch our livestream, you can watch at https://www.youtube.com/live/n_td_3sEJ60?feature=share.

Congratulations to Emma Hannan and Laina Rubis for completing the Youth Apprenticeship program. Both students worked a minimum of 450 hours and had two related courses of instruction in their industry area. Emma completed her apprenticeship in the Professional Sales Pathway while Laina completed her apprenticeship in the Banking pathway.

Thank you to Harmony Moua for bringing in her uncle, Ge Moua, from the Minnesota Department of Health to talk to the 3rd hour junior Futures class about the career of a Radiologic Technologist.

Congratulations to SCC Class of 2023 Valedictorians Bryn Afdahl & Lauren Klein!

Please join us in congratulating class of 2023 graduates Zachary & Brian on their accomplishments! We wish the best for all of you in your future endeavors!

Curtice Niemeyer completed his Storage and Warehousing pathway apprenticeship with the mentorship of Fleet Farm. Curtice put in over 1000 hours of work this school year.

Athletics on May 25th

Please join us in congratulating class of 2023 graduates Kylee, Brayden & Brianna on their accomplishments! We wish the best for all of you in your future endeavors!

Ms. Fagin & Mrs. Deno orchestrated a fantastic Awards Night as we celebrate the accomplishments of the class of 2023. Congrats to all recipients. Big thanks to our amazing scholarship donors!

Valvoline Instant Oil Change provided the mentorship for Riley Becker to complete his Automotive Technician Youth Apprenticeship program. Riley will continue in the program next year!

Please join us in congratulating class of 2023 graduates Madelyn, Kyle, Brandon & Chyanne on their accomplishments! We wish the best for all of you in your future endeavors!

Congratulations to Julia Reis and Gabriella Searl for completing the YA program in Banking. Both girls were employed with First National Community Bank (FNC), one at the Hudson location and one at the New Richmond location. Paige Frankiewicz completed her level II apprenticeship as a CNA at Hammond Health Services.

Please join us in congratulating class of 2023 graduates Estiven, Brenna, Aidan & Brock on their accomplishments! We wish the best for all of you in your future endeavors!

Claire Pommier and Joe Mazzitello have successfully worked 450 hours and completed their Youth Apprenticeship Program. Joe worked for Kinni Sport & Power as an Agriculture Mechanic Technician Apprentice and Claire worked as a Resident Aide at Birch Haven Assisted Living. Thank you to all of the Youth Apprenticeship Employers!

Athletics on May 23rd

Congratulations to Isabelle Anderson and Nicholas Quarne for completing the Youth Apprenticeship program. Isabelle received certification in the Food & Beverage Service pathway while Nicolas worked for Live Nation and Sam's Christmas Village to complete the Meetings and Events pathway.

Please join us in congratulating class of 2023 graduates Nathaniel, Brianna, Lorraine & Gaige on their accomplishments! We wish the best for all of you in your future endeavors!